Tsinghua Science and Technology


  • RISP:An RPKI-Based Inter-AS Source Protection Mechanism

    Yihao Jia;Ying Liu;Gang Ren;Lin He;

    IP source address spoofing is regarded as one of the most prevalent components when launching an anonymous invasion,especially a Distributed Denial-of-Service(DDoS) attack.Although Source Address Validations(SAVs) at the access network level are standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF),SAV at the inter-Autonomous System(AS) level still remains an important issue.To prevent routing hijacking,the IETF is constructing a Resource Public Key Infrastructure(RPKI) as a united trust anchor to secure interdomain routing.In this study,we creatively use the RPKI to support inter-AS SAV and propose an RPKI-based Inter-AS Source Protection(RISP) mechanism.According to the trust basis provided by the RPKI,RISP offers ASes a more credible source-oriented protection for the IP addresses they own and remains independent of the RPKI.Based on the experiments with real Internet topology,RISP not only provides better incentives,but also improves efficacy and economizes bandwidth with a modest resource consumption.

    2018年01期 v.23 1-12页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1536K]
    [下载次数:54 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:3 ] |[阅读次数:0 ]
  • Secure DHCPv6 Mechanism for DHCPv6 Security and Privacy Protection

    Lishan Li;Gang Ren;Ying Liu;Jianping Wu;

    With the rapid developmen of the Internet,the exhaustion of IPv4 address limited the development of the Internet for years.IPv6,as the core technology of the next generation Internet,has since been rapidly deployed around the world.As the widely deployed address configuration protocol,DHCPv6 is responsible for allocating globally unique IPv6 addresses to clients,which is the basis for all the network services.However,the initial design of the DHCPv6 protocol gave little consideration to the privacy and security issues,which has led to a proliferation of privacy and security accidents breaches in its real deployment.In this paper,to fundamentally solve a range of possible security and privacy issues,we propose a secure DHCPv6 mechanism,which adds authentication and encryption mechanisms into the original DHCPv6 protocol.Compared with other proposed security mechanisms for the DHCPv6,our method can achieve all-around protection for the DHCPv6 protocol with minimal change to the current protocol,easier deployment,and low computing cost.

    2018年01期 v.23 13-21页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1403K]
    [下载次数:73 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:6 ] |[阅读次数:0 ]
  • Measuring BGP AS Path Looping(BAPL) and Private AS Number Leaking(PANL)

    Shenglin Zhang;Ying Liu;Dan Pei;Baojun Liu;

    As a path vector protocol,Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) messages contain an entire Autonomous System(AS) path to each destination for breaking arbitrary long AS path loops.However,after observing the global routing data from Route Views,we find that BGP AS Path Looping(BAPL) behavior does occur and in fact can lead to multi-AS forwarding loops in both IPv4 and IPv6.The number and ratio of BAPLs in IPv4 and IPv6 on a daily basis from August 1,2011 to August 31,2015 are analyzed.Moreover,the distribution of BAPLs among duration and loop length in IPv4 and IPv6 are also studied.Several possible explanations for BAPL are discussed in this paper.Private AS Number Leaking(PANL) has contributed to 0.20% of BAPLs in IPv4,and at least 1.76% of BAPLs in IPv4 were attributed to faulty configurations and malicious attacks.Valid explanations,including networks of multinational companies,preventing particular AS from accepting routes,also can lead to BAPLs.Motivated by the large number of PANLs that contribute to BAPLs,we also study the number and the ratio of PANLs per day in the 1492 days.The distribution of the private AS numbers in all of the PANLs is concentrated,and most of them are located in the source of the AS paths.The majority of BAPLs resulted from PANLs endure less than one day,and the number of BAPLs which are caused by two or more leaked private ASes are much larger than that of BAPLs which are caused by one leaked private AS.We explain for this phenomenon and give some advices for the operators of ASes.

    2018年01期 v.23 22-34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 886K]
    [下载次数:47 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] |[阅读次数:0 ]


  • Hierarchical Community Detection Based on Partial Matrix Convergence Using Random Walks

    Wei Zhang;Feng Kong;Liming Yang;Yunfang Chen;Mengyuan Zhang;

    Random walks are a standard tool for modeling the spreading process in social and biological systems.But in the face of large-scale networks,to achieve convergence,iterative calculation of the transition matrix in random walk methods consumes a lot of time.In this paper,we propose a three-stage hierarchical community detection algorithm based on Partial Matrix Approximation Convergence(PMAC) using random walks.First,this algorithm identifies the initial core nodes in a network by classical measurement and then utilizes the error function of the partial transition matrix convergence of the core nodes to determine the number of random walks steps.As such,the PMAC of the core nodes replaces the final convergence of all the nodes in the whole matrix.Finally,based on the approximation convergence transition matrix,we cluster the communities around core nodes and use a closeness index to merge two communities.By recursively repeating the process,a dendrogram of the communities is eventually constructed.We validated the performance of the PMAC by comparing its results with those of two representative methods for three real-world networks with different scales.

    2018年01期 v.23 35-46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1903K]
    [下载次数:62 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:8 ] |[阅读次数:0 ]
  • Apparel Brand Overlap Based on Customer Perceived Value and Eye-Tracking Technology

    Lei Jiang;Kang Zhang;

    Competition in the apparel market has developed from preliminary price competition,quality competition,and scale competition to the current state of brand competition.The phenomenon of brand overlap cannot be avoided by apparel enterprises during the process of building and manufacturing their brands.This paper has selected nine identification elements of three dimensions,which we used to construct an apparel brand overlap identification model.This model is based on the theories of customer perceived value and brand identity and was constructed by taking consumer perspectives as the starting point.Two apparel brands from the representative international E Company have been selected as our empirical research objects.An apparel brand overlap identification model has been constructed based on questionnaire analysis and a cognitive experiment involving eye-tracking technology.In addition,the overlap elements among apparel brands,as well as the cognitive situation of consumers with regard to brand overlap,have been analyzed.

    2018年01期 v.23 47-64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 10210K]
    [下载次数:151 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:3 ] |[阅读次数:0 ]
  • Transmit Power Optimization for Relay-Aided Multi-Carrier D2D Communication

    Muhammad Waqas;Guftaar Ahmad Sardar Sidhu;Tayyaba Jabeen;Muhammad Afaq Ahmad;Muhammad Awais Javed;

    In this paper,we consider the power optimization problem in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM)-based relay-enhanced device-to-device(D2D) communication.In a single cell transmission scenario,dualhop communication is assumed in which each D2D user re-uses the spectrum of just one Cellular User(CU).In this work,we formulate a joint optimization scheme under a Decode-and-Forward(DF) relaying protocol to maximize the sum throughput of D2D and cellular networks via power allocation over different sub-carriers.The problem is thus transformed into a standard convex optimization,subject to individual power constraints at different transmitting nodes.We exploit the duality theory to decompose the problem into several sub-problems and use Karush–Kuhn–Tucker(KKT) conditions to solve each sub-problem.We provide simulation results to validate the performance of our proposed scheme.

    2018年01期 v.23 65-74页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1120K]
    [下载次数:48 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:5 ] |[阅读次数:0 ]
  • A New Method of Portfolio Optimization Under Cumulative Prospect Theory

    Chao Gong;Chunhui Xu;Masakazu Ando;Xiangming Xi;

    In this paper,the portfolio selection problem under Cumulative Prospect Theory(CPT) is investigated and a model of portfolio optimization is presented.This model is solved by coupling scenario generation techniques with a genetic algorithm.Moreover,an Adaptive Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm(ARCGA) is developed to find the optimal solution for the proposed model.Computational results show that the proposed method solves the portfolio selection model and that ARCGA is an effective and stable algorithm.We compare the portfolio choices of CPT investors based on various bootstrap techniques for scenario generation and empirically examine the effect of reference points on investment behavior.

    2018年01期 v.23 75-86页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 5843K]
    [下载次数:80 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:4 ] |[阅读次数:0 ]
  • A 12-bit 250-MS/s Charge-Domain Pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converter with Feed-Forward Common-Mode Charge Control

    Zongguang Yu;Xiaobo Su;Zhenhai Chen;Jiaxuan Zou;Jinghe Wei;Hong Zhang;Yan Xue;

    A feed-forward Common-Mode(CM) charge control circuit for a high-speed Charge-Domain(CD)pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converter(ADC) is presented herein.This study aims at solving the problem whereby the precision of CD pipelined ADCs is restricted by the variation in input CM charge,which can compensate for CM charge errors caused by a variation in CM charge input in real time.Based on the feed-forward CM charge control circuit,a 12-bit 250-MS/s CD pipelined ADC is designed and realized using a 1 P6 M 0.18-μm CMOS process.The ADC achieved a Spurious Free Dynamic Range(SFDR) of 78.1 d B and a Signal-to-Noise-and-Distortion Ratio(SNDR) of 64.6 d B for a 20.1-MHz input:a SFDR of 74.9 d B and SNDR of 62.0 d B were achieved for a 239.9-MHz input at full sampling rate.The variation in signal-to-noise ratio was less than 3 d B over a 0–1.2 V input CM voltage range.The power consumption of the prototype ADC is only 85 m W at 1.8 V supply,and it occupies an active die area of 2.24 mm~2.

    2018年01期 v.23 87-94页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 3365K]
    [下载次数:50 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:8 ] |[阅读次数:0 ]
  • Indoor Pedestrian Tracking with Sparse RSS Fingerprints

    Qiuxia Chen;Dongdong Ding;Yue Zheng;

    Indoor pedestrian localization is of great importance for diverse mobile applications.Many indoor localization approaches have been proposed:among them,Radio Signal Strength(RSS)-based approaches have the advantage of existing infrastructures and avoid the cost of infrastructure deployment.However,the RSS-based localization approaches suffer from poor localization accuracy when the RSS fingerprints are sparse,as illustrated by actual experiments in this study.Here,we propose a novel indoor pedestrian tracking approach for smartphone users:this approach provides a high localization accuracy when the RSS fingerprints are sparse.Besides using the RSS fingerprints,this approach also utilizes the inertial sensor readings on smartphones.This approach has two components:(i) dead-reckoning subsystem that counts the number of walking steps with off-the-shelf inertial sensor readings on smartphones and(ii) particle filtering that computes the locations with only sparse RSS readings.The proposed approach is implemented on Android-based smartphones.Extensive experiments are carried out in both small and large testbeds.The evaluation results show that the tracking approach can achieve a high accuracy of5 m(up to 95%) in indoor environments with only sparse RSS fingerprints.

    2018年01期 v.23 95-103页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 2149K]
    [下载次数:48 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:11 ] |[阅读次数:0 ]
  • Influence Analysis of Emotional Behaviors and User Relationships Based on Twitter Data

    Kiichi Tago;Qun Jin;

    One of the main purposes for which people use Twitter is to share emotions with others.Users can easily post a message as a short text when they experience emotions such as pleasure or sadness.Such tweet serves to acquire empathy from followers,and can possibly influence others' emotions.In this study,we analyze the influence of emotional behaviors to user relationships based on Twitter data using two dictionaries of emotional words.Emotion scores are calculated via keyword matching.Moreover,we design three experiments with different settings: calculate the average emotion score of a user with random sampling,calculate the average emotion score using all emotional tweets,and calculate the average emotion score using emotional tweets,excluding users of few emotional tweets.We evaluate the influence of emotional behaviors to user relationships through the Brunner–Munzel test.The result shows that a positive user is more active than a negative user in constructing user relationships in a specific condition.

    2018年01期 v.23 104-113页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 32238K]
    [下载次数:115 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:12 ] |[阅读次数:0 ]

  • Call for Papers Special Issue on Cognitive Systems and Computation

    <正>The publication of Tsinghua Science and Technology was started in 1996.Since then,it has been an international academic journal sponsored by Tsinghua University and published bimonthly.This journal aims at presenting the state-of-art scientific achievements in computer science and other IT fields.From 2012,the journal enters into IEEE Xplore Digital Library with the open access mode.In 2015,Tsinghua Science and Technology has been indexed in

    2018年01期 v.23 114页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 51K]
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  • Information for Contributors

    <正>Tsinghua Science and Technology(Tsinghua Sci Technol),an academic journal sponsored by Tsinghua University,is published bimonthly.This journal aims at presenting the up-to-date scientific achievements with high creativity and great significance in computer and electronic engineering.Contributions all over the world are welcome.Tsinghua Sci Technol is indexed by SCI,Engineering index(Ei,USA),INSPEC,SA,Cambridge Abstract,and other abstracting indexes.

    2018年01期 v.23 115页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 617K]
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